AddToAny Blog

URL shortener for Twitter

March 15th, 2009

Alright, Twitter. AddToAny hereby submits to your infamous yet uniquely awesome sharing limitations. This one’s for you.

Those of you who follow @micropat on Twitter might already be aware that AddToAny URL shortening for Twitter has been a work in progress, but here it is officially:

The AddToAny share button automatically shortens links shared to Twitter!

How shortened?  Pretty pretty shortened, thanks to the power of

This special Twitter service is available in every AddToAny sharing widget and on legacy share pages, and is done automatically when one clicks on Twitter.

So scramble for your nearest share button and give the new Twitter URL shortening a whirl!

P.S. If you’re looking to take advantage of Twitter shortening as a standalone link, feel free to use the following URI scheme to help people share links via Twitter:
