AVG / Avast False Positive Affecting AddToAny


Avast & AVG have removed the false positive as of March 6, 2024. They suggest updating their software's virus database on your device if it has not been updated already (Avast / AVG / Norton instructions).

If you are still experiencing the false positive, please contact AddToAny with details about the antivirus software's database in Menu > About.

False Positive — AddToAny Is Safe

On March 5, 2024, AVG and Avast antivirus software began falsely reporting AddToAny as a threat ("URL:CardStealer") for some users.

This false positive has been reported to AVG / Avast, and we are escalating the issue with them.

AddToAny is safe and scans as clean by VirusTotal and reputable vendors.

What to Do

Please feel free to report the false positive to AVG and report the false positive to Avast. In the meantime, it is up to AVG / Avast to resolve the false positive, and we expect them to have it resolved well before the end of the week.

If you use the AddToAny plugin for WordPress, you can try enabling the local caching option to work around the issue. Please let us know if this potential workaround resolves the issue for you.

Expected Fix from AVG / Avast

We expect AVG and Avast to fix this false positive within one business day. The first time this issue occurred (just a few weeks ago), we reported it to Avast on a Friday and Avast fixed it by Monday.

We are additionally escalating with AVG / Avast to prevent this issue from happening again.