Drupal Sharing Customization

Email Template

With AddToAny templates, you can customize the default message when sharing links via email. An email template applies your custom message to all email services, including Gmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, and AOL Mail.

var a2a_config = a2a_config || {};
a2a_config.templates = a2a_config.templates || {};
a2a_config.templates.email = {
    subject: "Check this out: ${title}",
    body: "Click the link:\n${link}",

In Drupal, add the following JavaScript code to your "Additional JavaScript" box in Configuration > Web services > AddToAny > Additional Options.

In WordPress, add the following JavaScript code to your "Additional JavaScript" box in Settings > AddToAny.

a2a_config.templates.email = {
    subject: "Check this out: ${title}",
    body: "Click the link:\n${link}",

Use the ${link} and ${title} placeholders to designate where you want the shared link and title to be placed.

Tip: You can place \n to designate a new line in your template's email body. Note that Yahoo Mail and AOL Mail do not accept newline characters, so a single newline is replaced with a space when sharing to those services.